NextGen Worship Centre Food Bank Agency

NextGen Worship Centre in collaboration with Harvest Manitoba work towards nourishing communities for a healthier future.

  • Harvest Manitoba collects and shares 13 million lbs of healthy and nutritious food to feed Manitobans yearly.
  • Provide consistent services that does not discrimitate among clients based on gender, faith, sexual orientation, age, cultural ethnicity, language, ability or any other personal quality.
Telephone: 204-982-3671
Food Bank Name: NextGen Worship Centre

Manitoba Health Card # or Student ID
Provide household information

To transfer existing registration, email: [email protected]


Location: 1308 Chevrier Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3T 1Y3
Pickup Date: last Wednesday in every month

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Parking: Available

Please Note: Take your recycle bags or containers for pickup.
For late pickup call 204-881-6398 to make arrangements.

NextGen Food Bank Agency is a rebooking food bank. You do not need to call Harvest Manitoba each month. However, if you miss your pickup or there is a no-show to the Food Bank you must call Harvest Manitoba (204) 982-3671 before the next opening and re-register.

For questions and more information, please contact [email protected]

“Raising a generation that makes a difference”