Welcome to our Winnipeg Church.

We are a Community that thrives on God’s Word

NextGen Worship Centre is a place of worship, word, and wonders. We are a ministry dedicated to raising a generation that makes a difference. Our Winnipeg Church is a family of true worshippers who are passionate about God, His word, and His purpose for our lives.


Explore Worship Times and Upcoming Events at Our Winnipeg Church.

  • 02 Sep '24
    Monday, 6:00 am Monday, 7:00 am
    Faith Arena 1308 Chevrier Blvd
    Winnipeg, R3T 1Y3 Canada
  • 04 Oct '24
    Friday, 6:00 pm Sunday, 6:00 pm
    Faith Arena 1308 Chevrier Blvd
    Winnipeg, R3T 1Y3 Canada
  • 13 Oct '24
    Sunday, 11:00 am Sunday, 2:00 pm
    Faith Arena 1308 Chevrier Blvd
    Winnipeg, R3T 1Y3 Canada
Back to Basics

Join us for Our Back to Basics Service! every Wednesday @ 6:00pm

Sunday Service

Join us this Summer for our Sunday Service @11:00am…We are excited to have you worship with us.

Sermon Recap
by Pastor Andrew Bawa
Channels of Wealth: Investment
by Pastor Andrew Bawa
ABC's of Wealth: Order
by Pastor Andrew Bawa


Join one of our exciting Connect Groups. Let's Fellowship together!!